Recently, I was watching a Christian YouTube video, and as is common on these types of videos, the comments host a debate for and against Christianity.  Usually, the comments that we read accuse Christianity of a lot of different things and then the Christians reply about how they know people who are not like that, and so on and so forth the cycle continues.

On this video, I read this comment that was praised by many of the Christians with other comments:

“One of the few Christians that are kind?,lol The majority of Christians are kind. When we are NOT attacked for our beliefs.”

What do you think?  Was this comment an accurate description of Christianity?

Unfortunately, I believe that it is. We have become a people that are kind when others are friendly to us and don’t attack us.  This is unfortunate because it is in such a big contradiction to the most kind act ever done by Jesus himself when he died on the cross for the very people that put him there.  I know that it is not easy.  Jesus knows it is not easy.  But we are not called to be kind when we are NOT attacked.  We are called to be kind ALWAYS!  Even when we disagree, even when we are insulted, even when we are attacked, we are still called to be kind.

Think about this next time you are hidden behind your username and feel the need to reply to the sinister comments:  “Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible, the other 99 will read the Christian.” – D.L. Moody